Basic Training Overview
ESAR Basic Training is a comprehensive program designed to prepare new members for the challenges that they will face in the field. As a trainee, you will receive instruction and demonstrate proficiency in wilderness navigation, survival skills, search method theory, first aid, and evidence search procedures. Basic Training begins in July and runs through April. It is purposefully scheduled during the winter months to give trainees experience working in the challenging conditions they could encounter on a mission. Training may involve snow, ice, wind, rain, and other unpleasant situations.

Trainees are expected to understand how to prevent hypothermia, to be aware of the conditions around them, and to take care of themselves and their team. Basic Training requires approximately 170 hours including four overnight-weekends, several full-day and evening classroom sessions, and a combination of homework and independent on-line learning. All courses are pass/fail and some trainees may need to repeat one or more additional weekends to successfully complete the series. For additional information about the training and courses, please download a copy of the Basic Training Orientation Packet.
Training Materials:
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